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“Why Should I Go to Jail? I Haven’t Committed Any Crime”: Yunus   Translation of the Interview with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, published in The Bonik Barta on 05 June 2024 (https://bonikbarta.net/home/news_description/386424/) &nb...

Muhammad Yunus Nobel Prize winner in need As a "banker of the poor" Muhammad Yunus became famous all over the world. In his homeland Bangladesh, however, the anger of ruler Hasina has been haunting him for years. Now he is threatened with prison - and the 83-year-old ...

Yunus Centre Press Release ( 2 April, 2023) 80+ funders, investors, and lenders joined Grameen America’s virtual stakeholder event on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, to partner on driving impact for low-income women entrepreneurs in financially underserved communities...

Yunus Centre Press Release (March 30, 2022) Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr. Mahathir Mohammad greeting each other on March 28, 2022 during Professor Yunus’ 3 day visit to Malaysia. Nobel Laureate Professor Muha...

Indian Newspaper The Financial Express Reporter Kumar Sharma’s  Interview with Professor Muhammad Yunus on   The Future of Microcredit and Social Business Muhammad Yunus Q1: The question that many in the field seem to have is how do you see this pa...

Concept Note onNOBIN EQUITY PROGRAMME (NEP)OF THE SOCIAL BUSINESS VENTURE CAPITAL FUND Muhammad Yunus Three  Social Business Venture Capital Funds have been created by  three organizations: Grameen Telecom Trust, Grameen Trust, and Grameen Shakti Samajik B...

Concept Note onNOBIN EQUITY PROGRAMME (NEP)OF THE SOCIAL BUSINESS VENTURE CAPITAL FUND   Muhammad Yunus   Three  Social Business Venture Capital Funds have been created by  three organizations: Grameen Telecom Trust, Grameen Trust, and Grameen ...

Rural Economies Must be Built As Independent Economies To Unleash the Creative Energy of People   Professor Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate 2006 Founder of Grameen Bank   Economists always imagined urban economy as the engine of the economy. Rural e...

Post-Corona Reconstruction ProgrammeNo Going Back Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate 2006Founder, Grameen Bank, The Bank for the Poor   Extent of damage that Corona pandemic is causing the world is just mind boggling. However despite this massive damage it...

Social business is a cause-driven business. In a social business, the investors/owners can gradually recoup the money invested, but cannot take any dividend beyond that point. Purpose of the investment is purely to achieve one or more social objectives through the ...

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