Grameen America Invests $4 Billion in Women Entrepreneurs
Yunus Centre Press Release: 27 February 2024
New York, February 14, 2024— Grameen America proudly announces a momentous milestone, having invested $4 billion in affordable loan capital directly to women entrepreneurs in financially underserved communities. This achievement marks a historic moment for the organization, demonstrating its commitment to empowering women and fostering community development.
Founded on the visionary idea of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Grameen America follows the successful Grameen Bank Model, which has transformed the lives of millions worldwide. Professor Yunus serves as the Chairman of Grameen America Inc., guiding the organization's mission to alleviate poverty through entrepreneurship.
This milestone represents a significant stride forward, with Grameen America providing an unprecedented $1 billion in capital to women business owners within a single year. The organization's rapid growth solidifies its position as the fastest-growing microfinance organization in the United States. Since its inception in 2008, Grameen America has disbursed $4 billion to empower more than 190,000 women across 27 U.S. cities. By 2030 it will reach a level of investing $5 billion a year.
Andrea Jung, President and CEO of Grameen America, expressed her pride in this remarkable achievement, stating, "Disbursing $4 billion in loan capital stands as a monumental achievement—a testament to the dedication of our staff, members, and partners. While we take pride in this accomplishment, we recognize an ongoing and substantial need for affordable financial services on a national level.
We are proud to offer access to affordable capital without barriers like collateral or credit history and witness the tremendous impact these investments have on women’s economic mobility, their children’s lives, and community development.”
Grameen America remains committed to providing access to affordable capital without barriers such as collateral or credit history. Through these investments, the organization witnesses the profound impact on women's economic mobility, the lives of their children, and the development of communities nationwide.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Jason Grobstein
Twitter: @GrameenAmerica
Facebook: /GrameenAmerica
Instagram: @grameenamerica
Statement from Professor Muhammad Yunus:
দেশবাসীর উদ্দেশ্যে প্রফেসর ইউনূসের বক্তব্য
Prof. Muhammad Yunus felicitated in Manila on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of receiving the “Ramon Magsaysay” Award.

“র্যামন ম্যাগসাইসাই” পুরস্কার প্রাপ্তির ৪০তম বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসকে ম্যানিলায় সম্মাননা প্রদান

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ইউনূস কখনোই কর ফাঁকির দায়ে অভিযুক্ত হননি। কর ফাঁকির কোনো মামলা ছিল না। - রয়টার্সের খবরে আইনমন্ত্রীর বক্তব্যের প্রতিবাদ।
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