9th Social Business Academia Conference - November 4-6, 2020
The Social Business Academia Conference (SBAC) is an interdisciplinary conference with a focus on social business. We are excited to announce that the 9th Social Business Academia Conference (SBAC 2020) will be taking place from November 4 to 6, 202 0, through a mix of online and live events, organized by Yunus Centre, Universidad Externado de Colombia and Universidad ICESI - Cali, Colombia and supported by the Yunus + You - The YY Foundation and the Dutch Postcode Lottery .
The conference will be inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus . The Opening ceremony of the event will take place at 7.00 pm (Dhaka, GMT+6) on 4 November 2020 . Professor Muhammad Yunus will also make concluding remarks at 9.15 pm ( Dhaka, GMT+6) on 6 November 2020 . The SBAC2020 consists of three plenary sessions and five academic sessions (two in Spanish and three in English) will take place over three days.
Any individuals interested in social business are invited to register here for free to join the conference on Zoom Webinar . Registered participants may join any part of the event according to interest and convenience.
Registration link:
For more information, please visit: http://socialbusinesspedia.com/events/sbac2020
For any questions, please email at: ysbc@yunuscentre.org
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