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Grameen Bank Commission43, New Eskaton Road Dhaka-1000 From: Mitu MariamAuthorized Office (Assistant Secretary)Former Managing Director, Grameen BankYunus CentreGrameen Bank BhabanMirpur-2, Dhaka. Subject: Invitation to participate in a workshop on future structure of...

Nobel laureate Professor Yunus met the CEO's of top clothing retailers at the Consumer Goods Forum held in Tokyo on June 11-13. Professor Yunus was a key note speaker at the conference. He invited the CEOs of the top retail companies for a private meeting with him on....

The 5th Social Business Design Lab took place at Yunus Centre on 15 June 2013. The participants from different organizations including Ms Pauline Tamesis, Country Director of UNDP, Professor Christian Girardfrom from Asian University for Women, Ms. Naaz Farhana Ahmed,...

Prof. Yunus urged more than 600 people at the Building Social Business event on Saturday 18 May at University of Salford, Manchester to use business for social and community benefit, freeing people from a welfare system created by institutions and a society which locks ...

Prof. Yunus attended in Social Business Conference 2013, Lugano, Switzerland! (Photo Credit- Simone Becchetti) ...

June 5, 2013, During the Forbes 400 Summit on PhilanthropyThe United Nations, New York City Thank you, I am Steve Forbes. And I think we all will agree this has been a stirring day. Tonight we’ve got several things in store. We are giving out two awards tonight. An...


ムハマド・ユヌス教授はアルバニアでソーシャルビジネスを始めた 2013年1月28日10時43分(月曜日) ムハマド・ユヌス教授は、2013年1月21日(彼の3日間の滞在のうちの初日)、ティラナビジネスグル...

  http://muhammadyunus.org/index.php/media/comments-about-professor-yunus/397-how-dr-yunus-first-heard-the-news-9   私はタイムマガジンのインタビュー中でした。デリーから来たジャーナリストが私を取材していまし...

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