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Grameen Bank Commission's Workshop on “Future Structure of Grameen Bank: Some Options”

Grameen Bank Commission's Workshop on “Future Structure of Grameen Bank: Some Options”

button banglaGrameen Bank Commission
43, New Eskaton Road

From: Mitu Mariam
Authorized Office (Assistant Secretary)
Former Managing Director, Grameen Bank
Yunus Centre
Grameen Bank Bhaban
Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Subject: Invitation to participate in a workshop on future structure of Grameen Bank.


The commission established for Grameen Bank under “The Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1956” has already submitted the interim report to the government. The report is published in the Finance Ministry’s website (www.mof.gov.bd). The Ministry has already circulated a press release in this regard. We hope you have seen the commission’s report.

The Commission is now working to prepare the final report. At this stage, the Commission has decided to arrange a workshop on “Future Structure of Grameen Bank: Some Options” to discuss with the experts and well known personalities. Finance and Planning Minister A M A Muhith inaugurated Grameen Bank in 1983. Mr. A M A Muhith has also agreed this time to speak and share his experiential knowledge in this workshop.

Attached herewith the eight page working paper “Future Structure of Grameen Bank: Some Options”.

Workshop schedule is below:
Place: BIAM Conference Room, 63 New Eskaton, Dhaka-1000

Date & Time: July 02, 2013, Morning: 10.30 Am
10. 35 am: Welcome speech by Commission Chairman
10.50 am: Finance Minister’s Speech
11.20 am: Tea
11.30 am: Discussion of the Invited Guests
1.30 pm: Lunch
2.15 pm: End Discussion
2.30 pm: Thank you Speech

We hope that the Commission will have the opportunity to benefit from your participation and sharing of thoughtful opinion at the program, and Grameen Bank will benefit from receiving the proper direction.

We humbly request you to participate in the workshop.

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