Professor Muhammad Yunus Launched Grameen Shikkha-CISD Training Centre at Savar
Professor Muhammad Yunus launched Grameen Shikkha-CISD Vocational Training Centre in Savar on 8 January 2012. Grameen Shikkha with the financial assistance from Netherland-based C&A Europe, has been conducting a vocational training program since 2008 for the country's poor and the school dropouts, said Nurjahan Begum, managing director of Grameen Shikkha. While speaking in the inauguration ceremony Muhammad Yunus, the chair of the program said that “the Bangladeshi youth are very creative and are quick learners. We should explore new opportunities for themselves. We are not teaching in the academic sense, rather we are creating skilled manpower”, Muhammad Yunus added. Gerben De Jong, the ambassador of Netherlands to Bangladesh gave importance to the need for skill development among the youth in Bangladesh. In her speech Ms. Nurjahan Begum said that the training centre has trained more than 2,300 peoples on electrical, electronics, industrial sewing, mobile phone servicing, garment machine mechanics, computer, solar home system management, computer applications etc. Most of the graduates find employment within a couple of months after graduation. “The objective of the program is to develop the human resource of Bangladesh with a view to expanding the country's economic development,”said C&A's Director Chris Brenninkmeyer. Some other national and international distinguished guests also attended in the program.