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About Professor Yunus :: Family

About Professor Yunus :: Family

Family of Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus,  Chairman of Yunus Centre and Founder of Grameen Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Family Information
Wife Afrozi Yunus
Eldest Daughter Monica Yunus
Youngest Daughter Deena Yunus
Father Haji Muhammad Dula Meah
Mother Sufia Khatun
Sister Momtaz Begum
Brother Muhammad Abdus Salam
Self Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Brother Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim
Sister Umme Kulsum
Brother Muhammad Ayub
Brother Muhammad Azam
Brother Muhammad Jahangir
Brother Muhammad Moinul Anam

Afrozi Yunus: Wife of Dr. Yunus

Dr. Yunus is married to Afrozi Yunus, a professor of physics at Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.

Monica Yunus: Eldest Daughter of Dr. Yunus

Monica Yunus is quickly establishing herself as one of America's most promising young sopranos. A 2003 Sullivan Foundation Award winner, Ms. Yunus has already performed with numerous opera companies throughout North America. If the family name is familiar to you then you have guessed it right. She is the daughter of Prof. Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and the pioneer of micro-credit. Monica was born to Yunus and his Russian wife in Chittagong, Bangladesh in 1977 and left for USA after only three months. She was bred up by her mother in New Jersey. Muhammad Yunus married a Bangladeshi in 1980 and has been living in Bangladesh. But he still maintains contact with Monica. Monica has been a prize winner in numerous competitions, among them The Florida Grand Opera Competition, Palm Beach Opera Competition, the Lee Schaenen Foundation Award, and most recently The Mirjam Helin International Competition in Helsinki, Finland. She earned her degrees from The Juilliard School.

Please visit http://monicayunus.com/ to know more about Monica Yunus and her professional career.

Deena Yunus : Youngest Daughter of Dr. Yunus

Deena Yunus is the youngest daughter of Dr. Yunus.

Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim: Brother of Dr. Yunus

Younger brother of Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Date of Birth : 1 December 1945
Place of Birth : Chittagong, Bangladesh

Present Position : Professor of Physics University of Dhaka, Bangladesh;
and Executive Director Centre for Mass Education in Science (CMES).

- Ph.D in Physics, University of Southampton, England 1972
- M.Sc. in Physics and B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, 1966 & 1965.

- Post-doctoral research in semiconductors, Uppsala University, Sweden 1977-78
- Research in solid state physics, semiconductor devices, renewable energy, and appropriate technology? in laboratories & fields home & abroad (1968 ~ present). 25 papers in scientific journals.
- Research in education methodologies, child & youth empowerment, and gender (1981 ~ present).
- Activities in People's Science & Technology:
- I started in 1961, while still in high school, Bijnan Samoeeki? the first popular science monthly in the country, and has been its editor and publisher ever since, over the 43 years of its regular publication. This monthly has helped create a rich popular science literature in Bangla language, and pioneered a vibrant science club movement around the country including the rural areas, among other things.
- The science periodical became the core around which I founded Centre for Mass Education in Science (CMES) in 1978. This has grown into one of the major NGOs of the country, with a unique mission of its own (described in the answer for the previous question), that I conceived and led.
- I authored 37 books, and numerous articles published in periodicals, newspapers, and conference proceedings? mainly on various aspects of people's science and appropriate technology.
- I have been a regular TV-person right from the inception of Television in our country in 1965. Most of the programs I designed and took part are on popular science and technology. My current regular program in Bangladesh Television is a quiz show named Desh-o-Biggan (Science and Our Country)? is going on for about a decade? almost continuously.
- I have been an occasional radio broadcaster for many decades. My favourite programs are on environment, current science and appropriate technology? mostly programs for the young people and with them.
Positions with International and National Forums:
- Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur? an associate of the World Economic Forum, Geneva and Davos, Switzerland (2001- present).
- Associate Member, Ashoka Innovators for the Public, Washington DC (1995- present).
- Associate Scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (1984-1997).
- Secretary Bangladesh Solar Energy Society (1990-2002).
- Vice President Bangladesh Solar Energy Society (2002-present).
- Country Representative, South Asian Network for Environmental Education, Chandhigar, India (2001-present).
- WorldAware Business Award (on behalf of CMES), London U.K. (2004).
- Institute of Diploma Engineer Gold Medal for popularization of science Dhaka, Bangladesh (2000).
- Qudrat-E-Khuda Gold Medal for popularization of science, Chittagong, Bangladesh (1989).
- Agroni Bank Award for Children Literature, Dhaka, Bangladesh (1987).
Commissioned Studies in Technology:
- Team Leader for the study on Traditional Technologies in Bangladesh, commissioned by UNESCO (2002).
- Consultant in the South South North (SSN) Project-Bangladesh component, in the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (2002- present).
- Team Leader for the study on Policies and Legislations Affecting Wood Energy Production, Trade and Use in Bangladesh, commissioned by FAO (1998).
- Team Leader in the study for commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies through Market Development, Enhanced Research Development and Demonstration, commissioned by UN-ESCAP (1998-99).

Muhammad Jahangir: Brother of Dr. Yunus

Muhammad Jahangir is a very strong media personality and columnist in Bangladesh. He runs the live television talk show GrameenPhone Tele Shomoy on Channel-I, Bangladesh. In recent days it is one of the most popular TV shows, which cover contemporary issues.

- Fighting Corruption at the Local Level: The Role of Civil Society is an example of a GrameenPhone Tele Shomoy episode. Muhammad Jahangir was the moderator of the program. Convener of CCC-Kurigram Advocate A T M Enamul Haque Chan, Member of the CCC-Jamalpur Advocate Shamim Ara and the Executive Director of TIB Dr. Iftekharuzzaman were present as discussion panelists. While discussing corruption the panelists said that the corruption which had taken place at the local level was always considered as local problems and therefore little efforts were made to address them. However, this only heightened the problems of corruption and the daily lives of people disrupted. While discussing the role of civil society in combating corruption at the local level, the panelists stated that the citizens could play the role of catalysts .The public organizations, especially the political parties could play the key role. It was concluded that to fight corruption, citizens at the local level and various government organizations must come together to raise awareness against corruption.

Muhammad Jahargir also serves at the panel of Meena Media Award jury committee. The Meena Media Awards were introduced in 2005. This UNICEF sponsored initiative is aimed at promoting excellence in media that is for, and about, children. For more information please visit http://www.unicef.org/bangladesh/media_1830.htm