Professor Yunus meets business and political leaders, youth in Tokyo
Professor Yunus has been exploring the possibility of joint venture collaboration between Japanese businesses to create social business in Bangladesh. Carlos Ghosn the highly admired CEO of Nissan and Renault came to the hotel to meet Professor Yunus on Tuesday 19 July, 2011. He discussed various options of social businesses. Professor Yunus met many top CEOs in a meeting organised by the President of NEC Corporation. Mr. Yuzo Kayama, a veteran and highly popular singer and actor in Japan, came to meet Professor Yunus at his hotel to extend support to his social business initiatives. Mr. Kayama described himself as a big fan of Yunus' work.
On Thursday, Professor Yunus was received by Mr. Taro Aso, former Prime Minister of Japan and Chairman of the Japan-Bangladesh Parliamentary League. He organized a workshop with Professor Yunus for the members of the Parliamentary group in the Diet Hall on social business, especially about its potential for the earthquake affected areas. Thirty two parliamentarians attended the session which was followed by a Q and A from the participating MPs. Following this session, Professor Yunus addressed a women's leaders meeting attended by more than 50 women business leaders and organizers of women organizations all of whom want to find ways to contribute to helping the families and victims of the great East Japan earthquake. They want to work closely with Yunus centre to design and implement their programmes. Some of them will visit Bangladesh to get good understanding of social business. They invited him to come back to Japan again to visit earthquake area of Tohoku with them to launch their programmes.
He received a warm welcome at speeches given by him at Shinagawa Jyogakuin a private girls school , a seminar at prestigious Roppongi Hills Academy, at UN University and a public symposium at Hollywood University attended by 900 young people on Wednesday night. Professor Yunus was also accorded a reception by the Bangladeshi community on July 18, 2011.Professor Yunus will leave for Fukuoka on 21 August to attend the Asia Forum for Social Business hosted by Kyushu University, which is serving as a hub of social business activities in Japan. Kyushu University's social business centres have also been focussed since March on finding ways to alleviate the suffering of Japanese people after the earthquake.