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Proud of Professor Yunus

Proud of Professor Yunus

by Dr. Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan

Prof. Yunus is known around the world as the "Father of Microcredit" and a Bangladeshi, and the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was just an icing on the cake. There are many others who received Nobel Peace Prize, but their demand and glory faded as soon as the next winner was announced. But, Prof. Yunus is an exception to the norm.

Five years after his receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Prof. Yunus is still a highly esteemed Nobel laureate to the world. Universities, businesses, NGOs, governments, and other agencies around the world are constantly trying to secure a slot in his calendar. Some have been trying for years and still have not been able to get him to come, even if they are willing to pay a substantial sum of money.

So,2010-12-14__p02.jpg I was not surprised when I read that the Norwegian so-called journalist (I would say irresponsible journalist) could not get an appointment with Prof. Yunus for six months. I have to say that when a journalist with the support of an interest group makes a documentary based on a ten-year old incident and only presents a part of the facts to the world to gain cheap popularity, that journalist is certainly a black sheep of the journalist community.

It was unfortunate that the same partial story received widespread coverage in all Bangladeshi news media and many joined this unfortunate smear campaign against Prof. Yunus. Thanks to the Norwegian government for the quick response to clear all the confusion, which made many look like fools as it was quite clear that the entire news episode was just a baseless smear campaign against Prof. Yunus.

It has been said by some people that an individual does not represent the image of a country. It is probably true in most cases. There are millions of us who represent Bangladesh to the word in our own ways. But, I would also like to say that our individual representation is extremely limited.

When Bangladesh tops the list of countries in corruption, extremist groups carry out acts of violence, political unrest and strikes hamper economic growth, then we need a bigger than life figure to counter all these negative images. We all should be proud that Prof. Yunus has been that positive figure representing Bangladesh around the world.

I have had the opportunity to closely observe Prof. Yunus and his contributions to humanity during the last few years. I have found him as an incredibly smart, honest, and visionary individual who constantly comes up with brilliant ideas.


The entire world is benefiting from his visionary thinking and practical ideas. Heads of states of many countries are trying to meet with him to use his wisdom and many are making tremendous progress.

Over one hundred fifty countries are benefiting from his microcredit idea, and his new "Social Business" concept is spreading like wildfire around the world. It is unfortunate that Bangladeshi leaders have failed to use his talent to promote Bangladesh. Instead, many are trying to undermine his contributions to Bangladesh and the rest of the world.

Finally, I would like to say that the recent baseless smear campaign against Prof. Yunus has given all of us Bangladeshis an opportunity to understand the fact that Prof. Yunus is an incredible asset for Bangladesh. It is also our responsibility to help those who are suffering from narrow mindedness and petty jealousy to accept the reality and make good use of the good name of Prof. Yunus to move Bangladesh forward.

Dr. Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan is Endowed Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of North Carolina-FSU.

Source: http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=165911