Yunus Urges UN To Put MDG As Top Priority
Secretary General Bank Ki- Moon convened the second meeting on 22nd September of MDG Advocacy Group at the UN Head Quarters. Representatives of various countries and the media were invited to the meeting. First Lady of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser and Nobel Laureate Professor Yunus were invited to address the gathering to outline the role of the MDG
Advocacy Group towards achieving the UN Millenium Development Goals. Secretary General Ban attended the meeting, and the President of the General Assembly Professor Joseph Deiss of Switzerland presided over the meeting, which took place in the ECOSOC Conference room at UN Headquarters.
Members of the MDG Advocacy Group consisting of President Kagame of Rwanda, Graca Machel of South Africa, Bill Gates, Professor Jeffrey Sachs Bob Geldof and Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Group of India also attended the meeting. Professor Yunus was invited to join the UN MDG Advocacy Group by UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon early this year.