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Small is beautiful, and mighty

Small is beautiful, and mighty

Banesa Khatun says microfinance has  lifted her from the poorest of the poor to a respectable, self-dependent woman.

Banesa Khatun says microfinance has lifted her from the poorest of the poor to a respectable, self-dependent woman. Photo: RAFIQUR RAHMAN

From little things big things grow. Rarely has this iconic refrain been more apt than in describing microfinance and its rise to prominence.

When Muhammad Yunus lent $US27 ($A30) to 42 poor women in the Bangladeshi village of Jobra in 1976, it is questionable whether he envisaged the global development phenomenon that microfinance would become.

Professor Yunus is visiting Australia this week for a presentation to the Australian business community called "The Power of the Small".

With the federal government set to release its financial inclusion strategy in coming weeks, Yunus's visit provides a perfect opportunity for Australians to demand a comprehensive and effective strategy that will be of genuine benefit.

Yunus, who won a Nobel prize for his microfinance work, is the father of a billion-dollar global banking business that has effected positive social change in countless communities. It is estimated that 106 million of the world's poorest families received a micro-loan in 2007.

Microfinance consists of offering services to the poor and disadvantaged, who often don't have access to the most basic financial products. Most famously it is in the form of a small loan (maybe $100 or $200) that individuals use to build their own small businesses.

The money may be used to buy productive capital, such as a sewing machine or cooking equipment, so the participant can start a micro-business, using the profits to repay the loan and provide for their family. Once they have repaid the loan they are eligible for a larger one, which they can use to grow their business further, and so the cycle continues. From little things, big things grow.

However, microfinance also includes safe saving, tailored insurance products and relevant and meaningful financial education. It often operates hand in hand with health and education programs.

At its core, microfinance challenges conventional banking wisdom because it banks the "unbankable". As a development strategy, its allure lies in the fact that it is a hand-up not a hand-out, building on the skills, abilities and knowledge that the poor already possess.

The benefits of microfinance are substantial. A review of about 100 studies since 1986 found a wide range of evidence that microfinance can increase incomes and lift families out of poverty.

Access to microfinance has been shown to improve children's nutrition, increase school enrolment rates and even reduce domestic violence and HIV infection rates. However, its most powerful contribution to struggling communities is the sense of self-worth, empowerment and positive social capital it engenders among participants.

Most Australians known little about microfinance, and there has not been much support for it in Australia's aid budgets, although an AusAID-funded microfinance facility in Peru was announced last year. Microfinance funding makes up well under 1 per cent of the overall aid budget.

If the government's financial inclusion strategy is to further unlock microfinance's vast potential, it must address key areas. It must be underpinned by adequate financial support. Microfinance must make up, at the very least, 1 per cent of overall aid spending; about $45 million. That percentage must also be maintained into the future, meaning that, by 2015-16, Australia's microfinance budget should be approximately $75 million.

The strategy must also provide support for developing nations to build favourable regulatory frameworks for microfinance institutions. Many developing nations classify microfinance institutions in the same way as banks, despite their stated social goals. This translates into extra costs and diminishes the positive effect that such institutions have on impoverished communities.

The strategy must also provide for seed funding and "scale-up" opportunities for microfinance institutions in challenging contexts. These contexts, such as post-conflict zones and remote and sparsely populated areas, are often avoided by battling institutions as they pose a significant threat to sustainability. The Australian government could fill this market gap, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The strategy must also include a government undertaking to carry out or sponsor more research into best practice in microfinance, particularly in measuring the social impact of programs on communities. Microfinance institutions are typically under-resourced and many don't have the capacity to carry out these evaluations on their own.

Finally, the strategy must evaluate what elements of microfinance can be re-created for indigenous Australians. Proven outcomes of microfinance, in health, school attendance and empowerment, would be of tremendous benefit to our struggling indigenous communities.

Microfinance has planted the seed of hope in countless communities around the world. It is high time the Australian government supported these efforts with a financial inclusion strategy that will enable them to continue to develop in line with Yunus' vision of 1976. From little things, big things grow.