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New Initiative for Expansion of Solar Energy

New Initiative for Expansion of Solar Energy

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will provide Bangladesh with technical supports for expansion of renewable and clean energy as part of its initiative on creating green jobs worldwide. In this regard, according to the ILO sources here.
Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET), country's lone manpower training agency, and Grameen Shakti, a subsidiary of Grameen Bank, working for expanding renewable energy are expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today.

Under the MoU, skill development training will be imparted to solar energy technicians of the state-run technical training centres allover the country. The ILO will support the training.
The MoU is seen as a good example of public private partnership between the two agencies for promotion of renewable energy in Bangladesh, the sources said.
Grameen Shakti has so far installed more than 225,000 Solar Home systems (SHs) connecting 12 to 15 thousand new solar SHs every month in cooperation with other 15 organisations.
This has created good demand for new skills and opened up new avenue for creating a huge umber of green jobs for Bangladesh where the green job initiative was launched last year.

Cited from article : http://www.energybangla.com/index.php?mod=article&cat=GreenPage&article=2101