Human beings were not meant to be job-seekers: Muhammad Yunus
Published on: The Hindu
Date: February 07, 2017
Staff Reporter, Bengaluru: February 07, 2017 00:00 IST
Human beings were meant to be entrepreneurs and not job seekers, says Nobel Laureate and Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus. He was in the city to speak on ‘The zero effects of social business’ at the Indian Institute of of Science on Monday. He said countries like India and Bangladesh need a business system with a goal to solve humanity's problems, not profit-making.
According to Prof. Yunus, who pioneered micro-credit in Bangladesh, getting degrees to get jobs is the wrong way to come out of poverty. "When youths come to me saying they need jobs, I urge them to generate jobs. Human beings were never intended to be job seekers, but to use their creativity to find solutions to problems," he said.
With machines and advances in artificial intelligence making professions redundant, it is important that people move away from the job seeker mindset. "Trump's election and Brexit are a response to the fear of people that their jobs will go to some one else. But building walls will not help when machines will be able to do those jobs in a cheaper, more efficient way," he warned.
He defined social business as kind of business with the goal to solve humanity’s problems. “What is needed is social businesses that leverage technology to solve these problems. The money-makers of the world will not do it,” he said.