Yunus Addresses Youth at Europe’s Largest Music Festival

Professor Yunus greets the massive audience at Woodstock Festival Poland, the biggest open-air music festival in Europe which is held from July 31- August 2. The festival drew over half a million young people mostly from Poland and other countries in Europe.
Professor Yunus addressed a massive audience of European youth at the Woodstock Festival of Poland, the biggest open-air music festival in Europe which is held from July 31- August 2. The festival drew over half a million young people.
In his address to the young people, Professor Yunus said "You can see the flaws of the system more clearly, than those in the older generation, because your minds are still “free" to observe things. Older minds have gotten so used to the way things are, they cannot see what is wrong with them. You must feel strongly enough and disgusted enough to jump into daring departures from the current system."
He said: "You can be the designers. You have to be the designers. You are as smart, or smarter than the people who designed the existing system. Governments don't design the economy. They follow the blueprint prepared by economists. Don't be blind followers. Be leaders. Go through the unbeaten path. Our only escape route is in the unbeaten path. Discover it. If you don't, nobody will".