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Yunus Addresses 13th Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

Yunus Addresses 13th Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

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The 13th Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates that opened on 21 October 2013, is held for the first time in Eastern Europe. "Stand in Solidarity for Peace - Time to Act" is the official motto of the 13th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.

The Summit is taking place exactly 30 years after Lech Walesa, former Trade Union leader received Nobel Peace Prize for the successful leading of workers at strike in the Gdansk Shipyard, which led to historical downturn of the communist regime by means of negotiation and without violence. Lech Walesa is also celebrating his 70th birthday this year.

2006 Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Yunus spoke at opening session along with president de Clark of South Africa and President Lech Walesa. He also spoke in a plenary session entitled “Human Values in the Time of Crisis” together with the host – Lech Walesa as well as Maired Corrigan Maguire [honoured for attempts to resolve peacefully the conflict in the Northern Ireland] and Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal [who represented the United Nations – laureate of Nobel Peace Prize awarded symbolically at 100th anniversary of the prize].

Muhammad Yunus presented a special Nobel Summit Medal on behalf of the Laureates to Jerzy Owsiak, Polish social activist, well known in the country for his work with young people. In August every year, he organizes a music festival for young people, known as European Woodstock Festival, where over half a million young people create a city of tents. During the festival they meet opinion leaders, discuss current life issues and listens to rock music.

Thanking for the Medal, Jerzy Owsiak invited Professor Yunus to join him in the next Woodstock Festival in August 2014. Actress and activist Sharon Stone, who is also at the Summit to receive the Peace Summit Award from Professor Yunus on Wednesday, is also invited to attend the music festival.

On 22 October 2013 Professor Muhammad Yunus spoke in the session entitled “Unheard Voices. Inequalities in Social Justice” and on 23 October he will speak in the session on “Youth in Solidarity”.

Summit attracted some 1,500 young attendees from all over the world and representatives of the Polish public and business leaders. Laureates and their organizations will run Civic academy discussions and workshops every afternoon for the participating youth.

Yunus Centre organized two workshops on Social Business for students on 21 October afternoon and another for entrepreneurs on 22 October 2013. Prof Yunus will address the workshops together with other members of Yunus Centre team.