Yunus Scholarship | One Young World 2020
Yunus Centre is currently accepting applications for candidates to participate in the One Young World 2020 Summit in Munich, Germany from 14 - 17 October, 2020.
The annual One Young World Summit brings together the most valuable young talents from global and national companies, NGOs, universities and other youth-friendly organizations. Delegates meet and make lasting connections with peers from almost every industry, sector and country.
For One Young World 2020, 10 selected candidates from Bangladesh will have the remarkable opportunity to accompany Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus as a member of his delegation.
Who can apply?
We are looking for young Bangladeshi leaders with a passion for global issues and who make significant impacts on their world. The candidates should be engaged in social entrepreneurship and demonstrate an understanding of local/global issues and a commitment to affecting positive change. The applicant should be proficient in the use of written and oral English Language.
Special priority will be given to children of Grameen Bank borrowers.
In order to apply for this position, the applicant must fulfil the criteria outlined below on the application date:
- Be a young professional with leadership abilities.
- Have concern for and understanding of local or global issues.
- Be committed to effecting positive change.
- Involvement within the community or have some initiatives in social entrepreneurship.
- Good presence.
- Aged 18 – 30.
- Citizen of Bangladesh.
- Proficiency in both English and Bengali.
How to apply?
We want to know what drives you and what makes you unique –your application is the place to share that information. Interested candidates are asked to submit a motivation letter and their CV Here
(Please do not provide other certificates or documents at this stage. Only shortlisted candidates invited for an interview will have to bring copies of their certificates and all other documents.)
The procedure
Paper Review:
The selected applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee. Those who are considered to be the most suitable for the delegation on the basis of a preliminary assessment of the information provided in their application letter and the CV will be short-listed.
Short-listed Candidates:
The short-listed candidates will be invited to an assessment phase which may include an interview and a written test, if necessary – during this phase, the Selection Committee will assess the suitability of the candidates.
Requirement for Pre-Selection:
Pre-selection stage candidates will be required to provide a notarized parental/ guardian authorization or guarantee letter/certificate from a guardian or a distinguished person willing to be their guardian. Candidates failing to provide this document will not be eligible for the final choice.
For final selection, following documents will be needed:
To qualify for final selection, the selection committee will ask to submit thefollowing documents:
- National ID/Passport/Identification Papers with validity up to at least until December 2020
- Academic Certificates (Main copies)
Selection may be cancelled any time before departure without any reason.
Additional documents required for visa:
- A letter from your employer granting leave of absence from your job for a specified period. The letter should also say how long you have been employed by that employer, in what job(s) and should indicate when you are expected back at work;
- If you are self-employed, evidence of your business activities and financial standing;
- Evidence of any property you own in your home country;
- If you are a student, a letter from your school or college stating which course you are doing, its start and finish dates and the dates of the holiday period during which you intend to visit;
- It will also help if you can show that you have family or social ties and responsibilities to return to;
- Bank statements going back over a period of several months; and
- Evidence of savings available to you.
Yunus Centre may request additional documents, as needed.
The deadline for submitting applications is 01 April 2020.
To find out more about how to participate please visit
To find out more about One Young World please visit
Statement from Professor Muhammad Yunus:
দেশবাসীর উদ্দেশ্যে প্রফেসর ইউনূসের বক্তব্য
Prof. Muhammad Yunus felicitated in Manila on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of receiving the “Ramon Magsaysay” Award.

“র্যামন ম্যাগসাইসাই” পুরস্কার প্রাপ্তির ৪০তম বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসকে ম্যানিলায় সম্মাননা প্রদান

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