We would like to invite you join us for the next session of the 10th session of YSBC Web Lecture Series is on “Experiences of a Social Business which is dedicated to creating Green Social Businesses.” coming up on January 04, 2021; Time: 19:00 GM...
All Academia Report...
We are happy to announce the publication of the “Academia Report on Social Business 2020 - No Going Back”. This year’s starring contributors include Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Jeffrey Sachs (world-renowned economist and Professor...
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People's Lives Must Matter More Than Pharma Companies' Profit - An Op-Ed by Professor Muhammad Yunus

People's Lives Must Matter More Than Pharma Companies' Profit
Professor Muhammad YunusNobel Laureate for Peace, 2006
History of human beings is a history of being driven basically by collective interest, not by personal interest. Economists made us believe t...
Press Release (11 December 2020)
Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus launched a call for Covid-19 vaccines to be declared a Common Good in June 2020, which has been joined by 24 other Nobel Laureates and 125 former Presidents, Prime Ministers, and eminent global ...
"This is about life versus profit. Do you want people to survive or you want to negotiate how much they can pay before they survive?" , Professor Muhammad Yunus talking on Al Jazeera Newshour with Halla Mohieddeen today at 7PM (GMT+6) on how the pharmaceuticals industry...
You should be pleased to know that we are working tirelessly on our campaign to demand for COVID-19 Vaccines as a Global Common Good.
In the light of the upcoming EU Council Meeting of European Heads of State, the TRIPS Council, WTO General Council and the African Un...
The 7th session of our YSBC Web Lecture Series is on “Experience of Seeding Social Business in India, East Africa and Latin America Through Bottom-Up Financing” with Moderator Ms. Yanniz Valadez Cortés,Coordinator for Yunus Innovation Pathway ...
The Social Business Academia Conference (SBAC) is an interdisciplinary conference with a focus on social business. We are excited to announce that the 9th Social Business Academia Conference (SBAC 2020) will be taking place from November 4 to 6, 202 0, through a mix of ...