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Press Release (21 October, 2016) Investments into six social businesses including four New Entrepreneur(NU) projects were announced on Thursday at the 375th Social Business Design Lab. The New Entrepreneurs, children of Grameen Bank borrowers are seen in the photo wi...

Press Release (21 September, 2016) Photo Caption: The High-Level WHO Commission for Health Employment and Economic Growth presented the final report to the United Nations Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki Moon at the United Nations Head Quarters on 20 September . Seen in ...

Published Date: September 4, 2016Published by: www.nationmultimedia.com ThailandSource: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/The-man-behind-a-quiet-revolution-30294361.html     Exclusive InterviewThe Nation September 4, 2016 1:00 amNation Multimedia Group ed...

Yunus Centre Press Release (August 20, 2016) Investments into six social businesses were announced on Saturday at the 329th Social Business Design Lab. The six young entrepreneurs, children of Grameen Bank borrowers are seen in the photo with Nobel Laureate Professor...

Yunus Centre Press Release (30 May 2016)  Investments into six social businesses were announced on Monday 30th May 2016 at the 262nd Social Business Design Lab. New Entrepreneurs Mst. Asma Begum holding traditional palm-leaf hand-fans, Mst. Pervin Jamdani Sari is seen...

Press Release ২২৯শ সামাজিক ব্যবসা ডিজাইন ল্যাবে ৬টি নতুন ব্যবসা চালু Investments into six social businesses were announced on Thursday 18th April 2016 at the 229th Social Bus...

Press Release Investments into six social businesses were announced on Thursday 24th March 2016 at the 213th Social Business Design Lab. The young entrepreneurs, children of Grameen Bank borrowers as well as Notun Kuri Vidyapith are seen in the photo with Nobel Laure...

১৮৫তম সামাজিক ব্যবসা ডিজাইন ল্যাবে ৬টি নতুন ব্যবসা উদ্বোধন Press Release Caption : Investments into six social businesses were announced on Monday at the 185th Social...

Muhammad YunusVictory of the PeopleOutcome of Cop 21 got me thrilled and inspired.  After 40 years of battle between believers and non-believers finally believers won. They persuaded everyone that the world is in real danger, and we must act collectively. Paris got all...

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus launched Social Business week in China on October 9, 2015. Tackling unemployment is at the heart of these week-long events so that people, particularly the youth, do not hanker after jobs and rather, become inspired to be job-gi...

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