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Big French companies likely to invest: French minister New Age -Diplomatic Correspondent Big French investors are likely to make more investments in social businesses along with other businesses in Bangladesh to enable it to fight poverty as the political situation and ...

Social Business - A Step Toward Creating a New Economic and Social OrderProfessor Muhammad YunusGrameen Bank, BangladeshLecture delivered at the joint-meeting of the members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of India, in Delhi on December 9, 2009 Hon'ble Vice President, Hon...

Germany's Otto Group has signed a deal with Grameen Trust to start a joint venture in textiles in Bangladesh, Yunus Centre said in a statement yesterday.Under the deal, Grameen and Otto will jointly set up Grameen Otto Trust and Grameen Otto Textile Company.Grameen Otto...

Yunus Centre Press ReleaseDr Michael Otto, Chairman of the Otto Group, the world’s largest mail order company, today signed an agreement with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus to begin a joint venture in the field of textiles in Bangladesh.The Otto Group is...

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4 Official formation of Grameen Creative Lab (Wiesbaden)Professor Yunus will be present to sign the official papers formalizing the creation of the Grameen Creative Lab in Wiesbaden, Germany - the result of a Joint Venture between the Yunus Cen...

UVA TodaySeptember 21, 2009 – Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus is proof that ideas can start small and go on to change the world. Starting with a $27 loan to 42 Bangladeshi villagers in 1976, Yunus founded a bank that now makes more than $1 billion......

It is a 'donation' to a social business fund, then the donor makes it clear that he does not want it back. But if it is an 'investment' into the fund , of course, the investor will get back the money....

The B-School and Social BusinessToday’s turbulent economy has underscored the fact that capitalism isn’t perfect. Even when capitalism is functioning well, there are chronic problems of hunger, poverty, homelessness, malnutrition, economic disparity, pollu...

Johannesburg "Creating a New World: A Dream or a Reality?" by Muhammad Yunus A very good afternoon to everyone. I am deeply honoured and privileged to be invited to deliver the Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture here in South Africa. I have been to South Africa many time...

Welcome Lord Kinnock I. Opening Remarks It is a very great pleasure for me, as Chair of the British Council, together with our Chief Executive, Martin Davidson, to welcome you here and also to thank the University of Reading for their kindness in sponsoring the lec...

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