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EU Commission President Barroso Announces Supportive laws for Social business

EU Commission President Barroso Announces Supportive laws for Social business

Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus met with European Commission President José Manuel Barroso at his office in Strasbourg on July 6, 2011. They discussed the role of EU in promoting microcredit and social business around the world. Professor Yunus thanked President Barroso for his personal support to social business, which could be a concrete way to solve the social problems around the world.

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso made the following statement to the press after his meeting with Professor Yunus.

"I would like to express the EU's recognition for the successful work of Professor Yunus, whose tireless commitment deserves our profound respect. Strengthening social business and promoting innovative methods of accessible finance is not only a matter of justice. It is also and a concrete way to help the poorest of the poor and a smart investment in our shared future. The European Commission will therefore continue its substantial aid to micro-credit projects across the globe."

They also discussed the introduction of appropriate laws and regulations in the European Parliament that would support the development of social business.

Professor Yunus also attended a session in the European Parliament. President of the parliament interrupted the proceeding of the parliament to announce the presence of the Nobel Laureate Professor Yunus in parliament as a distinguished guest. Parliament gave a big applause to greet him in the parliament.

Later the Parliament President Jerzy Buzek received him in his chamber. He made the following statement to the press:

"Microcredit should be supported around the world. I would like to welcome in particular the microcredit facilities in Bangladesh - the native country of Professor Yunus." Buzek also praised the concept of social business, pioneered by Professor Yunus and hoped to work on ways to help new partners connect with social business.

Mr. Buzek, former Prime Minister of Poland invited Professor Yunus to Poland to introduce social business to the business leaders of Poland. He offered to organize the tour of Professor Yunus to Poland.