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General Information about Yunus Centre Internship (3)

General Information about Yunus Centre Internship (3)

Being the global centre of excellence for social business incubation, Yunus Centre aims to involve brilliant young minds from all over the world to study on social business ideas. The internship program allows interns to gain valuable insights on Professor Yunus’ philosophy through participation in field trips and attending meetings with Social Business Companies along with office work. Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or above are eligible to apply.

Professor Yunus has been promoting the concept of Grameen social businesses for a long time with the belief that this model will address the problems unresolved by the present capitalist system. Social business is a Non-dividend Company, which returns the investor’s money over time and is entirely dedicated to achieving social goals. The ultimate goal of Yunus Centre is to send poverty to museums. It strives to engage students, individuals and organizations in the social business movement through workshops, internships programs, immersion programs, projects, etc. to achieve the goal.

Why internship at the Yunus Centre?

Applicants, hoping to work alongside their like-minded peers to forge lasting relationships based on the ideas behind social business, will discover the Internship Program at Yunus Centre to be the ideal avenue. Internship at the Yunus Centre enables you to get involved in the following activities:

Social Business field trips: The most unique aspect of this internship is the opportunity to participate in field trips to Grameen social business operation sites. More information on these social business sites has been provided in the next section.

Exploring Grameen sister Companies: There will also be the chance to have meetings with companies of Grameen such as Grameen Danone, Grameen Shakti, Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing, Grameen Telecom trust and so on.

Global exposure: A splendid chance to work with and gain knowledge from people of different languages, nations as well as from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Social Business Design Lab: Design lab is the place where business ideas from budding entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds meet Social Business Gurus. Interns of Yunus Centre will get the chance to see and learn from many of these wonderful sessions first hand.

Job Experience: By joining in the internship program, interns get opportunity to Contribute to office works of Yunus Centre which enable them to learn about official work and professionalism.

This will be a 3 months unpaid internship program focusing on assigned work (by one month rotation to three team leaders), social business materials study, visits to social business and Grameen Bank sites, and meetings with Grameen Bank and other Grameen sister companies.
Travel Cost:
Travel cost for field trip will be BDT 12,000 or $150. It should be mentioned here that the interns will be responsible for their own food, living and other costs.
Assigned Work Description:
  Executive Director’s Team:
  • Special Project
  • Communications
  • Drafting and report writing
  Social Business Team:
  • Working on Social Business Pedia Website
  • Business Plan review
  • Preparing other social business related contents
  • Volunteering in monthly design lab held by Yunus Centre
  • Writing and editing reportsg

Admin Team:

  • Archiving
  • Library database
  • Drafting letters, proposals, and publications
  • General administrative works

Study on Social Business:

  a) Materials to study
  1. Banker to the Poor
  2. Creating a World without Poverty
  3. Building Social Business
  4. Super Happiness
  5. The Power of Social Business (BCG)
  6. Harvard Business Review (HBR)
  7. Redesigning Economics to Redesign the World
  8. YC Newsletter
  9. Conference Volume
  b) Videos to watch-
  1. Bonsai
  2. To Catch a Dollar
  3. Documentary- Banker to the poor
  4. Muhammad Yunus- Create Social Fiction
  5. Muhammad Yunus- Ideas for Social Change: Social Business

Field Visits:

  Interns have opportunities to visit 8-10 sites which are as below-
  1. Grameen Bank Branch
  2. Grameen Danone
  3. Grameen Veolia
  4. Grameen Shakti
  5. Grameen Green Children Eye Care Hospital
  6. Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing
  7. Japan Auto-Mechanic School
  8. Grameen Shikkha
  9. Social Business Industrial Park
  10. Nobin Udyokta Project

Field Visits:

  Interns also usually attend 8-10 following meetings during their period-
  1. Grameen Bank
  2. Grameen Trust
  3. Grameen Danone
  4. Grameen Veolia
  5. Grameen Telecom
  6. Grameen Telecom Trust
  7. Grameen Shakti
  8. Grameen Health Care
  9. Grameen Shamogree
  10. Grameen Intel
(Any field visit and meeting may be cancelled due to unavailability of the companies)
Yunus Centre requires applicants to possess an above average academic or entrepreneurial background, as well as strong leadership skills and an interest in social business.
Duration: minimum (3) months
  Office day: Sunday-Thursday
  Holiday: Friday & Saturday
  Office hours: 10a.m. - 6p.m.
Required Qualifications:
  • At least enrolled in an Undergraduate program
  • Good Academic Background
  • All majors can apply
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point).
Please remember the following:
  • Make sure you that you apply 2 months prior to your intended start date. We will confirm you six weeks earlier if you are selected
  • If you receive our confirmation, inform within one week whether you will be joining or not
  • Try not to cancel once you have confirmed
Application Deadlines:
  • You should maintain the following deadlines depending on when you intend to start:
Quarter Duration Deadline for Application Notification Date
1st March 1st to May 31st January 1st January 15th
2nd June 1st to August 30th April 1st April 15th
3rd September 1st to November 30th July 1st July 15th
4th December 1st to February 28th October 1st October 15th
Application Instructions:
  A proper application should include your resume and Yunus Centre Application Form, which can be downloaded at: Application Form
Send in your application to internship@yunuscentre.org
If you are not from Bangladesh, it is advised that you gain some background knowledge about living in Bangladesh prior to your arrival. To access some general information about Bangladesh, CLICK HERE.
Two Days Exposure Visit:
  If you are doing internship in Grameen Bank or any other organisation in Bangladesh, you may register with YC for a two days exposure visit. This will include meeting with social business companies and visit to their sites. Registration fee: $100