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Yunus on the Cover of Forbes Magazine

Yunus on the Cover of Forbes Magazine


2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus featured in the Forbes’ Second Annual Philanthropy issue cover along with Bono, Bill Gates, the President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Robin Hood Founder Paul Tudor Jones, e-Bay founder Jeff Skoll, and Liesel Pritzker Simmons. The issue focuses on the great works done by the philanthropists and how their contributions are having impact in changing the world.

Last June, at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy, Forbes brought together 150 billionaires and near-billionaires, plus a handful of leading social entrepreneurs, to discuss disruptive business models in philanthropy. Muhammad Yunus and US billionaire investor Warren Buffett were honored at the Summit for their groundbreaking work in improving the lives of the less advantaged.

In his speech, Muhammad Yunus called his acceptance of the inaugural Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Entrepreneurship “a Cinderella moment”. "Making money is a happiness. Making other people happy is a super happiness” the Nobel Laureate told the assembled audience, reports the Forbes magazine and urged the gathered billionaires to invest a part of their money in social business to bring positive impact in the world on a sustainable basis.

Actionable solutions and results from the conference are also revealed in this special issue of the Magazine.