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The system we have built refuses to recognize people. Only credit cards are recognized. Drivers licenses are recognized. But not people. People haven t any use for faces anymore, it seems. They are busy looking at your credit card, your driver s license, your social s...

Effective communication is the key to a successful partnership. In any partnership, the different parties have their own wants and goals. The main thing is to create bridges to arrive at a common goal. ...

Our financial institutions have created a worldwide system of apartheid without anyone being horrified by it. If you don t have collateral, you are not credit worthy. To the banks, you are not accepted on our side of the world. ...

The current financial crisis makes it very clears that the system that we have isn t really working, and this is the right time for us to undo things and build them in a new way. ...

Conventional business will continue to grow. On the other side, social businesses also grows. But that doesn t mean you re cutting down profit-making companies. Profit making companies will also benefit, because if you solve the problems of the homeless or those on wel...

And her story was shocking the woman, who was in her early 30s, bought the bamboo she needed for the stools with borrowed money and repaid it by giving the stools she made to the loan shark. He paid her just 10 cents a day for her......

People should not come to the bank, the bank should come to the people ...

Capitalism has been interpreted as an exclusively profit-centric human engagement. Some have been saying to bring people and planet into the picture. This can be a good change, but it is still not fully operationalized. Are you putting people, planet and profit at the ...

What good does the theory of economics do if it is not working for people? ...

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