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Start a small nbsp;social business nbsp;on the sidelines of the reactor heart of the company. Watch what happens, and if it boosts your creative power.

Quote 229: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

So why the enthusiasm for social business? Have people had enough of capitalism?

Quote 228: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

It Social business widens the market by giving a new option to consumers. It does not intend to monopolize the market and take the existing option away. It adds to the competition. It brings a new dimension to the business world, and a new feeling of...

Quote 227: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

Yunus remarks that, as the world social implies, social business or enterprise is all about promoting and communicating ideas, collaborating and interacting.

Quote 226: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

The biggest step is to attract the interest of these groups to convince them to get into this unusual experience, where profit is not the primary motivation. These companies then discover a new source of pleasure, subtle, due to the fact to solve a social problem. Employees involved...

Quote 225: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

It would also require that firms produce a report not only financial, but with three important parts including the triple P People, Planet, Profit . And not CSR reports written by advertising agencies Similarly, business plans must also include these three axes.

Quote 224: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

Another challenge is to ensure funding to start up social businesses. How are people to access investments for their social businesses? Where will the money come from? We are working on finding solutions to this. One solution can be the Social Business Funds, acting as incubators for potential...

Quote 223: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

There was a study that showed that the 85 richest people in the world have more wealth than the bottom half of the world rsquo;s population, or 3.5 billion people, - nbsp; This is not a problem that can be solved by tinkering with the system....

Quote 222: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

They have enormous capacity to make an impact in the world. Pick a subject, pick a problem, design a business to solve that problem, and take it from there. The microfinance pioneer rsquo;s future plans, supporting other social businesses and how the Grameen bank evolved -2011...

Quote 221: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes

But a social-business investor can operate anywhere, as long as there is a positive return. As long as you cover your costs and solve a social problem, you can be in social business. The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity s Most Pressing Needs

Quote 220: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Social Business, Quotes
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