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We rsquo;ve used our creative power to focus on making money mdash; and we rsquo;ve done it like it rsquo;s the only game in town. It rsquo;s not. There rsquo;s a more exciting game in town.

Quote 19: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

All human beings are very creative - full of potential, full of energy... So, money kind of allows them to express it... And if you re successful, you can take more money. You can expand your capacity, reach next level of capacity, and so on.

Quote 18: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

We have a list of human rights - right to food, right to shelter, right to health, right to education, many such items which are considered and accepted as bill of rights. These are to be insured to people. So all nations, all societies try to do that....

Quote 17: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

The profit orientation is only one orientation of a person. The same people who are interested in profit-making are also selfless. I am not saying that capitalist theory is wrong. I am saying that it has not been interpreted and practiced fully.

Quote 16: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Human beings are much bigger than just making money.

Quote 15: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

My greatest challenge has been to change the mindset of people. Mindsets play strange tricks on us. We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see.

Quote 14: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Even the biggest problem can be cracked by a small well-designed intervention. nbsp; That s where you and your creativity come in.

Quote 13: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Small is not a problem because you can handle it easily. It rsquo;s an advantage. We imagine things but we have to make it real. Real is truth.

Quote 12: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

No matter how daunting the problems look, don t get brow beaten by their size. nbsp; Big problems are most often just an aggregation of tiny problems. nbsp; Get to the smallest component of the problem.

Quote 11: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

All human beings have an innate skill mdash; survival skill. The fact that poor are still alive is a proof of their ability to survive. We do not need to teach them how to survive. They know this already.

Quote 10: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes
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