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We have a lot of science fiction. We should write social fiction. Use our imaginations and make it happen.

Quote 39: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

We are educated people. We should be creating things to enjoy for everybody, so that creative power is not locked up in an unemployed person.

Quote 38: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

I can tell you very emphatically that in terms of human capability there is no difference between a poor person and a very privileged person. nbsp; All human beings are packed with unlimited potential.

Quote 37: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Poverty, Quotes

All human beings are very creative mdash; full of potential, full of energy ... So, microcredit allows them to express it. I came to believe that credit is a human right.

Quote 36: Professor Muhammad Yunus,Microfinance, Quotes

Are we doomed? No. Human beings have enormous resilience. nbsp;

Quote 35: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Human beings are much bigger than money-making. There is the expression of selfishness and there is the expression of selflessness - but economists or theoreticians never touched that part. They said Go and become a philanthropist. I said, No, I can do that in the...

Quote 34: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Human beings are multidimensional nbsp;beings. Spirituality is a component of the multidimensionality.Human beings are multidimensional nbsp;beings. Spirituality is a component of the multidimensionality. nbsp;

Quote 33: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Yes, nbsp;I am selfish, nbsp;but nbsp;I am also selfless. So in the selfish part I want to enjoy, in the selfless part I want to dedicate myself in the betterment of my fellow citizens, fellow human beings. nbsp;Everybody does that. nbsp; nbsp;It doesn rsquo;t matter who you are,...

Quote 32: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Mindset will remain a problem for a long time, until we learn how to prepare our mind to remain open to receive new ideas and throw away old ideas continuously.

Quote 31: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes

Your closed mind doesn rsquo;t want to see the possibilities. nbsp;That rsquo;s why I think nbsp;the biggest barrier is nbsp;mindset, and the institutions built on the basis of that mindset. nbsp;It is very difficult to change the ideas in the government; it is very difficult to change the...

Quote 30: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Human Creativity and Nature, Quotes
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