We are not using our creative powers to solve problems because of a mismatch of our conceptual powers
People are not money making robots.
Harness your creative capacity for social business and create a better world
Imagine what you want to happen because if you don t see it, it wouldn t happen.
Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us.
Human creativity is unlimited. It is the capacity of humans to make things happen which didn t happen before. Creativity provides the key to solving our social and economic problems.
Let us dream the wildest possible dream and then pursue it.
We spend too much time and talent predicting the future, and not enough on imagining the future that we would love to see.
You have two choices, either you become a job-seeker in life or you become a job-giver.
If we are not achieving something, it is because we have not put our minds to it. We create what we want.