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I have always said that human beings are multidimensional beings. Their happiness comes from many sources, not, as our current economic framework assumes, just from making money.

Quote 79: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

I learned that people can help change their own destinies, if they are given an opportunity to do that. For myself, I discovered that while making money for one rsquo;s self is happiness, helping others can bring super-happiness.

Quote 78: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

People climb to the top of Mount Everest. What rsquo;s their incentive? Making money is an incentive. But making other people happy is a super incentive.

Quote 77: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

Helping people around you, making other people happy that rsquo;s super-happiness

Quote 76: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

If I could be useful to another human being, even for a day, that would be a great thing. It would be greater than all the big thoughts I could have at the university.

Quote 75: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

I began my career as an economics professor but became frustrated because the economic theories I taught in the classroom didn t have any meaning in the lives of poor people I saw all around me. I decided to turn away from the textbooks and discover the real-life...

Quote 74: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Success, Quotes

Regulation should be promotional, a cheerleader. At the same time make sure you do the right thing that you don t drift away from the real principles. It is a tough job in the sense you have to balance both how to encourage, and at the same time...

Quote 73: Professor Muhamaad Yunus, Miscellaneous, Quotes

Changes are products of intensive efforts.

Quote 72: Professor Muhamaad Yunus, Miscellaneous, Quotes

This is not charity. This is business business with a social objective, which is to help people get out of poverty.

Quote 71: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Charity, Social Business, Quotes

We have to get out of this mindset that the rich will do the business and the poor will have the charity.

Quote 70: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Charity, Quotes
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