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In my experience, poor people are the world s greatest entrepreneurs. Every day, they must innovate in order to survive. They remain poor because they do not have the opportunities to turn their creativity into sustainable income.

Quote 119: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

The developing world is full of entrepreneurs and visionaries, who with access to education, equity and credit would play a key role in developing the economic situations in their countries.

Quote 118: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

All human beings are born entrepreneurs. Some get a chance to unleash that capacity. Some never got the chance, never knew that he or she has that capacity.

Quote 117: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

What is entrepreneurship, after all? Bigness is not the issue. Poor people are the ones who take challenges every day. The guy who sells a hot dog on the street is as much an entrepreneur as anyone else. Getting his 50 loan to start could be as...

Quote 116: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the caves we were all self-employed hellip;finding our food, feeding ourselves. That rsquo;s where the human history began hellip;As civilization came we suppressed it. We became labor because they stamped us, lsquo;You are labor. rsquo; We...

Quote 115: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

There is no room in the economic literature for people making a living through self-employment, finding way to develop goods or services that they sell directly to those who need them. But in the real world, that s what you see the poor doing everywhere.

Quote 114: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

I believe all human beings are entrepreneurs. I believe all human beings have selfishness and selflessness I them. All human beings are creative. All human beings are go-getters. Cultures can give different expressions to them; can suppress some of them, but deep inside of them they continue as...

Quote 113: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Entrepreneurship, Quotes

Get out there and create your future.

Quote 112: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Young People, Quotes

I founded Grameen Bank to provide loans to those considered traditionally unbankable. Grameen Bank works with the poorest and often illiterate, providing uncollateralized micro-loans for tiny business enterprises by which they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty.

Quote 111: Professor Muhammad Yunus, GrameenBank, Quotes

Grameen Bank was not a thought-out plan, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, a reaction to a moment of frustration and extreme devastation,

Quote 110: Professor Muhammad Yunus, GrameenBank, Quotes
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