Yes, since there is no category of business in the company law known as social business, it will appear to the tax authority as a PMB and will be treated as such.. Social businesses will be taxed the same way as the PMBs....
If you have the motivation, drive and a good idea for a social business, you can apply to a social business fund for financing....
Anyone can invest....
Yes, a social business can be transformed into PMB if the owner wants it. Since there is no law governing the creation and termination of a social business, no procedure has to be followed. When laws will be passed there will clear guidance as to the protocol of registr...
Essentially they operate in the same manner. In all its operational practices they are exactly the same. However, a type II social business is either owned by the poor people who receive the dividends, or the profit of the company goes to a Trust which is created for pr...
It is a 'donation' to a social business fund, then the donor makes it clear that he does not want it back. But if it is an 'investment' into the fund , of course, the investor will get back the money....
When you donate a dollar to charity, it goes towards a social cause, but then the use of that dollar ends there. When you donate a dollar to a social business fund, it is invested to achieve a social cause and then the amount returns to the fund for......
Social business is based on the intrinsic desire of self-sacrifice that resides in all human being for the promotion of well-being of its own species, all living beings, and the planet. Given opportunity, most people who can afford it will choose to invest in social bus...
In order to qualify as a 'business' social businesses must be sustainable. There is no escape from this. Like other kind of business they may go through ups and downs, but it must prove its financial strength at the end....
Just like the PMBs social businesses will hire a team of managers and workers to run their businesses. But the mission of the team will be very different than the mission given to the team in the PMBs....