Business Rx: The books of summer
By Special to Capital Business
Monday, June 28, 2010
Even busy entrepreneurs and business leaders need some downtime to recharge. While you're relaxing on the beach or poolside this summer, check out some of the books that the faculty...
Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus signs a copy for an enthusiast of his latest book, Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs, at its launch in Dhaka on Social Business Day yesterday.
Photo: STAR
Star Business Repor...
Yunus explains his concept in an exclusive interview with The Daily Star on the eve of Social Business Day
Arun Devnath
Build business on the selfless nature of mankind. It is business with a difference, social business -- that is. It has a social goal -- to fi...
Don't Profit from the Poor, Says Grameen Bank's Yunus
June 03, 2010
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. “ Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, speaking at the Fairmont H...
1.   Why Grameen Shakti? Global warming is an on-going over-riding issue in Bangladesh. So is the shortage of power. There is hardly any electricity in the rural areas. Eighty per cent of people of Bangladesh live in the rural areas. Seventy pe...
World's largest water management company Veolia Water’s newly appointed global CEO Jean-Michel Herrewyn came to Bangladesh from Paris to attend the board meeting of Grameen Veolia Water Ltd. (GVW) on June 17th, 2010, along with Eric Lesueur, Projects Direct...
INTERVIEW: Muhammad Yunus: Nobel laureate & Grameen Bank founder
Our economic framework is wrong, it must change
Rajiv Tikoo
Going by the response to his just-released Building Social Business, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunusis on the verge of ushering in a ...
(An excerpt from Muhammad Yunus' new book, Building Social Business, says entrepreneurs seeking to solve social problems cannot also maximize profits) By Muhammad Yunus For-profit social entrepreneurs try to blend profits with public benefits. As business expands, the ...
Grameen Telecom Trust and IES Alliance of Bahrain signed an MOU on June 4th ,2010 to set up a joint venture fibreglass company in Bangladesh. The company will be named as Grameen Fibreglass that will produce fibreglass products to popularize bio-gas use, and produci...
by Georgia Levenson Keohane
In 2006, Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his pioneering work in the field of microcredit. As the founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, Yunus demonstrated that lending money to poor people to start bu...