SOROCOBA (Brésil), 18 mars 2011 (AFP) - Quand on évoque l'économie brésilienne, on compte en milliards de dollars pour montrer la bonne santé et le potentiel de ce vaste pays latino-américain de 193 millions d'habitants.Mais Alessandra França a prou...
Some freedom fighters expressed disappointment over the removal of Prof Muhammad Yunus from Grameen Bank and demanded a peaceful and honourable transfer.
In a statement sent here yesterday, they said, "We the undersigned freedom fighters are totally disheartened and th...
By Ikhtiar Kazi
First published in
Like many other concerned citizens of the world, I was stunned by the news that Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus has been sacked by the government of Bangladesh, from his position of managing director (Head) ...
By Munir Quddus
The unseemly manner in which the current government of Bangladesh has sought to remove Professor Yunus from his position as head of the Grameen Bank is a sad spectacle. It seems the government, for reasons one can only guess, is determined to destroy wo...
By Nofel Wahid
I am sure you have heard of that rather amusing philosophical paradox, "What happens when an irresistible force meets an immoveable object?" We obviously do not know the answer to that paradox, but not because of lack of curiosity. Which leads me to quer...
By M Shahidul Islam
Following the removal of its founder Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank, growing concerns about the future of the bank are prompting some depositors to withdraw their savings. Indeed many analysts and industry experts cautioned that a sudden exit ...
By Eliot Daley
Ask any American what they know about Bangladesh, and you're likely to hear one of two things: 1) It's a pitifully backward place cursed with floods and droughts and overpopulation and insuperable poverty; and/or 2) It's the very fortunate place where s...
The pioneer of microcredit, the founder of the "bank for the poor", Grameen Bank (GB), and a Nobel Prize winner for his work on poverty alleviation has now been called a "blood-sucker" and his life-long work described as mere entrapment of the poor towards greater indeb...
By Katherine Esty
"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things."
- Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince (1532)
I first met Muhammad Yun...
By Alex Counts
Microfinance has grown from its origins as a pilot project that sought to demonstrate that the world's poor could benefit from access to the financial services we take for granted. It has since become a major part of the financial sector and national pov...