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About the Social Business Essay Competition The Yunus Centre's Social Business essay competition is aimed at young people who have creative ideas about how to achieve the Millennium Development Goals through Social Business. The concept of Social Business is new an...

Professor Muhammad Yunus offers his condolences on the death of Freedom Fighter and Bangladeshi pop legend Azam Khan. Read Professor Yunus' words in Bangla here. ...

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus met Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at the Presidential Palace in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, on 25th of May 2011. The meeting lasted for 90 minutes. During the meeting, Professor Yunus explained how the concept of Social...

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, on 24th May 2011, appeared on the Frost Over the World show, hosted by renowned journalist David Frost. Professor Yunus discussed his vision on how Social Business can be used to bring lasting solutions to social problems in Ban...

Professor Muhammad Yunus was the guest speaker at an event hosted by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) in London yesterday, May 24, 2011. About 180 people, consisting of Members of Parliament, researchers, business leaders, CEOs and stu...

Professor Muhammad Yunus talks with Arun Devnath and Md Fazlur Rahman of The Daily Star in an exclusive interview, the first after his resignation from Grameen Bank. The Daily Star (DS): You have often said misconceptions float around Grameen Bank. What are they? Which...

Beloved owners and honoured members of Grameen Bank: Thirty-five years ago, I did not know that I would start a bank, and that I would lend to poor people, especially to poor rural women. Like many other teachers, I was busy teaching in the classroom, far from the real...

My dear colleagues: For the past five months, we have all been in an extremely difficult situation. The reasons for this are well known to you all. The Supreme Court has given its verdict. On the basis of this verdict, the Board of Directors of Grameen Bank now has t...

May 12, 2011 Handing-over of the Charge of Managing Director I am today relinquishing the post of Managing Director of Grameen Bank on the basis that the Deputy Managing Director Mrs. Nurjahan Begum would hold charge until a Managing Director is appointed in accordan...

By Professor Muhammad Yunus Introduction to Social Business The Birth of Microcredit The concept of social business has its origin in microcredit, which grew out of my concern about the problems poor people faced in my country of Bangladesh. Back in 1976, I failed...

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