Managers and workers will earn market wages to function with incentives as in a PMB. Social business will endeavour to provide better job conditions and financial terms to workers on the lower end of the salary scale. Their working conditions will be watched carefully. ...
There is nothing wrong with earning a profit and taking dividends from a company's earnings. It is very important driving force of the economy. Growth of the economy is linked with profit making. By introducing the concept of social business we are not condemning PMBs, ...
A social business is like any other business. It will follow the same principles of competition, and bring more competition in the market. Consumers will be the beneficiaries. The more the number and varieties of businesses the more is the competition. Social business w...
Social businesses usually produce things which are not produced by traditional businesses, or it targets areas which are not served by other type of businesses, or the prices for the products are very different than the prices of the products of the profit-making busine...
A social business is a business. A donation program is a charity program of a profit-making business....
An NGO is a voluntary, non-profit organization that operates, contributes to, or participates in, various projects on education, training or other humanitarian, progressive, or watchdog activities. They usually collect donations for running programs for disadvantaged ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are the philanthropic programs of companies. CSR is part of a corporation, which is a profit-maximizing company. A social business is a company by itself which is dedicated to social impact-maximization.A common way of prac...
Type II social business functions as a profit-maximizing business, except that all of the net-profits are placed into a trust, which will help a disadvantaged group of people. Or a profit making business owned by the poor people....
Type I refers to social businesses that create a product which has a direct social impact. For example, Shakti doi, the fortified yogurt, directly fights malnutrition....
A social business is a non-loss, non-dividend company designed to address a social problem. The profits are used to expand the company's reach and improve the product/service....